VisitDomincial.com was created to provide a simple and easy to use site where you can find Premium local services, information, real estate, and all things Dominical related. Domi has a lot to offer in many different ways, surfing, adventure, yoga, nature, community, people, food, sunsets, magic places and more, with our knowledge and high end cultural experience we will Connect you with all the quality things you need here. This is your one stop shop to THE BEST OF DOMINICAL and it is all created by a Domi native family who knows all the ins and outs of the area and is FULLY dedicated to creating a better Dominical experience for everyone. All services booked and a percentage of the real estate commissions happening through this site, help to Create and Manage Community outreach projects with a direct positive impact. You support directly the growth and progress of the local Community here while getting the best of what you need.
Check out the Community page to see our upcoming projects and the ones we have recently worked on, our Purpose is to grow, giving back to Education, Art, Music, Surf Community and Youth Empowerment.
Dominical is a Special Little Surf Town and Welcomes you with an Open Heart to Experience its Beauty and Magical Vibrations.
The Family
Pepe is a Tico from Dominicalito and the owner of a local favorite hot sauce company called Spicy Life. He is all about the high vibes and doing whatever he can to contribute to the community of Dominical. He is always organizing projects to inspire kids in the area and is constantly looking for ways to solve problems in our community. Pepe is also the head real estate agent for this page. Everyone knows Pepe here and if you get the chance to meet him you will become instant family. Positivity and the Spicy life is what Pepe is all about.
Pepe Lopez
Carl is from the US and has been living in Costa Rica for 2.5 years. He is a local filmmaker and owner of Costa Rica Filmmakers and partner with Pepe. He is a non stop content creator and our main media man in Domi. He has traveled the world but choose to make Costa Ballena his home. You may have seen him flying his drone around the beach, out in the water or cruising by on his motorcycle. He is all about the adventure and being a part of a healthy community.